
Pavlos Papaefstathiou (He/Him)
Boston Consulting Group
Pavlos is a Partner at the Boston Consulting Group in London, focusing on building and transforming Digital Banking capabilities globally
Outside day-to-day work, Pavlos leads the Pride@BCG network for the UK. Pride@BCG was founded over 20 years ago and aims to make BCG the most fulfilling work place for members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Pavlos also leads the Pride external advocacy agenda and leads BCG’s relationship with the Open for Business coalition (which makes the economic case for LGBT+ inclusion) and GiveOut (charity which fundraises for the global LGBT+ human rights movement).
Pride@BCG works closely with Open for Business and GiveOut on global thought leadership initiatives and pro-bono research, especially focusing on the economic case for inclusion in developing markets, and the business case for fundraising for the global LGBT+ human rights movement.