Dr. Leslie B. Brisset (O)
Tavistok Institute
Throughout his thirty years working in organisational and community leadership Dr. Leslie has found himself nourished, on one hand, by the intersection of power, politics, and privilege, and on the other, by serving “the whole person”. He is preoccupied by the question: What does it mean to be a “whole person”?
Dr. Leslie draws on all areas of scholarly and creative thought to gather insights and freely share these to support the actions of his clients and colleagues. The key to his impact is that he is fully engaged in the struggle to face and embrace our whole selves, particularly in the boardroom; how we hold the creative and destructive, the entropic and the Telos, the light and shadow, remaining unshaken in the face of what emerges when we enter the recesses of the individual and collective psyche.
To Dr. Leslie's mind, the mission of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is to understand the human capacity to create and destroy, so that we have the freedom to make saner and more harmonious choices. Time to Awaken.